Thursday, February 11, 2016

How to set InfoPath field value on dropdown change event in SharePoint 2010 and 2013


We have a Dropdown in InfoPath which is populated from external data source (SharePoint List. e.g. TimeSheet List having fields ProjectName, %Complete and Type. Dropdown is showing Project Names). We want to populate infopath field (Type) from SharePoint based on selected Project in dropdown.


I suppose you have already Filled Dropdown from Timesheet List and or applied filtering if required, If not, you can follow my post How to Filter Infopath Dropdown.

Select the Project dropdown that we created in previous article and from the "Home" ribbon, select Add Rule->This Field Changes -> Set a Field's Value option as shown in the below image.

How to Populate and Filter InfoPath Dropdown Populating from SharePoint List


We have TimeSheet SharePoint List which has information of all the projects, their status and % Complete. We want to populate dropdown with TimeSheet projects whose status is not closed.


Populating Dropdown

First Create the List as following,

Now in the InfoPath Designer (It does not matter if it is list template or designing new InfoPath document), Add dropdown list from menu bar,

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Unable to connect to the Synchronization Service error when you try to open Miisclient.exe


When you try to open Miisclient.exe , you get the following error message:
Unable to connect to the Synchronization Service.

Some possible reasons are:

1) The service is not started

2) Your account is not a member of a required security group.

See the Synchronization Service documentation details.